Orange and Pistachio Couscous

I wanted to give cold soaking a try, and found this couscous recipe with orange & pistachio that I want to share because it’s so delicious 🤤

It’s refreshing, and packs a bunch of energy.

Orange and Pistachio Couscous
Weight: 180 gram
Energy: 695 kcal
Type: cold soaking
Prep time: 5 min
Cooking time: 90 min

Prep your meal at home

What you’ll need

Most ingredients for this couscous recipe are pretty easy to get, but you might need to look a bit for sumac and orange drink powder because those are less easy to get.

Mixed citrus peel3g (1 teaspoon)10 kcal
Couscous75g (1/2 cup)270 kcal
Dried sultanas20g (2 tablespoons)60 kcal
Pistachios (unsalted)60g280 kcal
Sumac1g (1 teaspoon)3 kcal
Tang2g (1/2 teaspoon)6 kcal
Olive oil14g (1 tablespoon)120 kcal
Salt (optional, but nice)5g (3/4 teaspoon)0 kcal
Total weight / calories180g749 kcal

Optionally you can also experiment with some other ingredients like pepper, mint, cashews, coriander, or dried figs. Go crazy!

Add to container

Simply add all the ingredients except for the olive oil to a ziplock bag and mix them well.

Keep the olive oil in a small bottle that doesn’t leak.

(I recommend small Nalgene bottles)

Test the recipe once, make adjustments wherever you like, and make 10 more because you can store this for a few months easily.

Cooking in the backcountry 👨‍🍳

This backpacking meal couldn’t be more simple to prepare because it’s a cold soaking meal 😄

Add all the ingredients to your jar of choice:

Only add water and olive oil

Then, add 140 millilitres of cold water, shake, and wait 90 minutes until it’s fully hydrated.

Stir once more before eating, and enjoy! 🤗

Backpacking meal prepared

Such a refreshing flavour!

Especially nice on a hot day.

Over to you

Tried this recipe? Or have a tip to make it even better? 🤤

Share your thoughts in the comments below! 🙌

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Max van Collenburg

I'm addicted to the outdoors, enjoy a good coffee, enjoy exploring new cultures, and love to nerd out on hiking gear & hacks. More weird facts about me here.

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