Garlic Parmesan Ramen

I was searching for new recipes, and found this brilliant recipe from Backcountry Foodie that I wanted to share.

The meal weighs only 155 gram when packed, but has nearly 800 kilocalories 🤯

And it’s tasty too!

Garlic Parmesan Ramen
Weight: 155 grams
Energy: 590 kcal
Type: hot (stove required)
Prep time: 5 min
Cooking time: 5 min

What you’ll need

For this dish you’ll need only a few ingredients that you can get in most grocery stores, and the spices you probably already have laying around anyway.

Ramen noodles80 g296 kcal
Parmesan cheese (shelf stable)30 g120 kcal
Dried parsley1.5 g5 kcal
Black pepper0.6 g0 kcal
Table salt0.8 g0 kcal
Garlic powder0.8 g2 kcal
Olive oil40 g360 kcal
Chili flakes (optional)2 g7 kcal
Total weight / calories155 g790 kcal

Simply add all the ingredients except for the olive oil to a ziplock bag.

Keep the olive oil in a small bottle that doesn’t leak.

(I recommend small Nalgene bottles)

Test the recipe once, make adjustments wherever you like, and make 10 more because you can store this for a few months easily.

Preparing your meal

While it isn’t just adding boiling water, it’s still pretty simple.

Fish the ramen out of your ziplock bag, and put it in your cooking pot while breaking it into smaller pieces.

Add just enough water so that all the ramen are covered, and bring it to a boil.

Let it soak for 5 minutes until the ramen are soft, drain the water (leave a bit of water to make stirring easier), and stir in all the other ingredients.


Garlic Parmesan Ramen

Optionally you could also leave the water so it’s more soupy.

I think this cheesy dish is awesome! Shelf stable parmesan rocks 💪

And the bit of olive oil you add has soooo many kilocalories.

Enjoy! 🤗

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Max van Collenburg

I'm addicted to the outdoors, enjoy a good coffee, enjoy exploring new cultures, and love to nerd out on hiking gear & hacks. More weird facts about me here.

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